You invest a lot of your time and hard earn money in building your brand and its trademark. Thus it becomes very important to protect the uniqueness and integrity of your brand. It is because if you won’t protect its trademark someone else will use your brand trademark to promote their products and services. Thus, the profits that you must earn will go to him, at the same time the credibility of your brand also goes down. Thus, you need to protect the trademark of your brand, to prevent above situations. Following the trademark application process, is an important way through which you can protect trademark of your brand.
Want to know more about, trademark application process? You are at the correct place, read complete article and increase your wisdom on trademark protection.
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What to do you mean by trademark for your brand?
When you develop a brand you must do something to make it stand out different in the market. Giving it some special logo like symbols, signs, designs, etc. is the one way you can do so. Once people see this logo they come to know that, this product is of this brand. This logo is nothing but the trademark of your brand.
Thus, trademark for your brand, makes your brand have its unique identity in the market. And people can differentiate between your brand and rest of the brands in the market. Thus, more popular is your trademark, the more popular will be your brand. At the same time, the more credibility your trademark loses, the more harm will be done to your brand and revenue.
Thus, you need to do trademark registration for your brand, if you don’t want someone else to malign your brand name by using your trademark to sell his products and services. For doing the trademark registration you need to follow trademark application process. We will study it in next paragraph. So keep reading.
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Trademark Application Process: Steps for Trademark Registration
Following are the steps that you will have to go through in trademark application process for trademark registration –
Trademark Search:
Being an entrepreneur you need to understand the trademark search. It is because, tm search in trademark application process will give you update on similar trademarks available in market. Thus, you will be able to develop a new and unique trademark for your brand. It will also protect you from infringing the others trademark. Thus, you will not have to face the legal prosecution in infringing someone else trademark.
Trademark Application Filing:
Once you ensure that, your trademark is unique and there is no such previous trademark registration similar to yours. Now is the time you file an application for registering your trademark. You also get an official confirmation like a receipt that you can use in future.
Trademark Examination:
The next step in trademark application process is the examination of trademark application. Once you file the application with trademark office, the examiner checks it to find discrepancies and errors in your trademark. It may last around 12-18 months. The result of examination can vary like, it might get accept, or partially reject.
If it receives rejection, you again need to file the application after doing the corrections and again an examination takes place until your trademark gets accept.
Publication of trademark:
Once your trademark is given green signal by trademark office, it is now the time of publishing it in a journal. It gives the general public and opportunity to oppose your trademark if they feel so. If there are no objections, the registration of trademark starts. If there is objection, then a hearing takes place and decision is given by the registrar of trademark office. And it keeps going, till you finally get approval for trademark registration.
Once all these things are done, your trademark finally gets approval under the seal of trademark office of your region. Now no one else can use the logo of your brand, without your legal consent. If anyone does, you can sue them legally.
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Trademark Application Process: Who can be your best partner for this?
Trademarks are the important entity to raise your brand in the market. But as you have seen the process to get them is equally complex and difficult. Thus, you should seek professional IP paralegal experts to help you in trademark filing process. The best choice will be “Patent Paralegal Force”
We work with professionals having expertise and experience in trademark filing from over a decade. Hiring us you get easy and cost effective services. You will get timely notifications during every step of trademark filing process. Read our all our services to know more about us.
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