Unknown to many, patent docketing specialist plays a vital role in modern-day societies. They proficiently manage intellectual properties or patents. Patents are legal documents granted to inventors by patent offices. These documents protect their inventions from getting exploited by others.
Receiving patents isn’t easy. That’s where intellectual property docket specialists come in. They calendarize every patent-related activity. They make sure that all vital deadlines during the patent application process are met and tracked. This article tells you more about them in detail.
Also read: Foreign Patent Filing Strategy: Important Steps
Patent Docket Specialist: Importance
Intellectual property docket specialists either work for law firms, major corporations, or independent third-party organizations. Since managing large teams of in-house patent, docketing experts is difficult for both law firms and corporations, dedicated patent docket specialists who work independently have become very popular.
These experts consistently support patent agents at corporations and patent attorneys at law firms. They track their clients’ patent portfolios with the aid of advanced docketing systems. Throughout the patent application processes, they maintain all technical documents, legal documents, as well as all official emails regarding the patent.
Also, these experts constantly send reminders to their clients regarding important events in the life cycles of their patent application processes. Without their detailed and time-efficient docketing services, patent agents, patent attorneys, and inventors wouldn’t be able to protect their rights to their patents and their properties.
They collaborate with the patent applicants and different Intellectual Property offices (such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office to make sure every patent-related activity is properly tracked. Some of these activities include –
- Patent filing dates and events
- Litigation deadlines
- Confirmation of patent filings
- Creation of reports detailing due dates
- Review pleadings and filings
- Update rule sets in accordance with legislative changes
Here’s how these experts maintain accuracy and efficiency during complicated patent application processes.
Prioritize Proof
When you’re overseeing various patents, the trap of not focusing on the evidence is ever-present. For example, patent applicants may take it for granted that they’ve filed all documents on time. However, without proofs of filing, their patents are worthless. Top docketing specialists are masters of the calendar. They have systems that always clarify important submission or filing dates.
Docket Only from Official Documents
When docketing any information, it’s easy to get your sources mixed up. Inexperienced docketing professionals often end up collecting information that wasn’t present on the official records. They pick up unconfirmed pieces of information from internal emails, private conversations, etc.
Also, you should do IP docketing should only from official correspondence and documents. Docketing wrong information can lead to unnecessary complications in the future. That’s why whenever top docketing specialists don’t have official documents in their possessions, they ask their clients or the IP offices to send them.
Double-Checking is Mandatory
Entering incorrect dates, actions, or numbers can have severely negative impacts on the patent application process. Simple docketing mistakes could lead to disastrous consequences like delaying in filing dates of application. That’s why after you finish docketing each record; the finest docketing specialists always double-check.
Also, the best docketing specialists also use the latest software tools to provide full-term dynamic support to their clients. Firms that choose to outsource their docketing responsibilities must only partner with patent docketing experts who have such high standards of work.
Hire Patent Paralegal Force as docketing specialist for you
Patent Paralegal Force is a patent firm that can provide help to you for your docketing requirements. We manage client patent applications from multiple nations are efficiently. We also work with wide range of software, including Foundation IP, Anaqua, Memotech, Share drive, Excel, and client-specific applications.
Also, these cutting-edge tools and software are dependable and can handle many patent application processes at the same time. Furthermore, we may design our in-house docketing software to meet the needs of our clients.
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